North America

Prompt, precise, and backed by the highest quality assurance

IDEXX BioAnalytics understands that your research samples are priceless and irreplaceable. Submitted samples are handled with care by staff trained to handle research specimens to ensure sample integrity is maintained and accurate results are reported.

Whether your organization needs advanced support for a handful of studies or simply has too much volume to handle in-house, IDEXX BioAnalytics can help. Our world-class anatomic pathology team is standing by with one-stop reliable diagnostic and expert consultation for all your histology, research pathology, toxicologic pathology, and diagnostic pathology needs.

Routine and specialized histology services to support research, discovery, and product development.

Our board certified pathologists have decades of experience interpreting samples from a wide range of tissues and experimental models.

Our routine services include routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining of paraffin embedded or frozen tissue sections and a wide selection of special stains. Specialized services include immunohistochemistry, section preparation for PCR or hybridization studies, and the development of histological techniques to complement specific research needs.

With a rigorous quality management system, IDEXX BioAnalytics is capable of meeting your vendor qualification needs. We support in-person facility qualifications, in-phase inspections and more.

Skillful research pathology services to support the development disease interventions or study of disease conditions.

Our team of research pathologists provides comprehensive macroscopic and microscopic examinations of tissues from a wide variety of specimens. 

Our services include histopathological review of tissue sections, semiquantitative to quantitative histomorphology, and report preparation.  We can also incorporate ancillary research services such as hematology, clinical chemistries, cytology, immunohistochemistry, digital image capture and notation.

Fast, accurate, and reliable results from the
team you know and trust.

Connect with IDEXX BioAnalytics today.

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